When does it stop being a party and start becoming a problem? Is there a way to steer clear of addiction?

Every Wednesday, Mike McGowan explores substance use disorders with expert guests.

It’s Never Too Late

February 2, 2022 27 minutes


Mike McGowan


James "Dimitri" Topitzes, PhD

Helen Bader School of Social Welfare at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee


Substance abuse wreaks havoc on the entire family, including, most tragically, the children. How do you reconnect with your family and repair the damage in recovery? James “Dimitri” Topitzes, PhD, talks about Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and the impact growing up in adversity has on our youth and families. Dr. Topitzes is on the faculty of the Helen Bader School of Social Welfare at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. He teaches trauma counseling to master’s students and philosophy of science to doctoral students. If you would like to find out more about Adverse Childhood Experiences, go to, https://acestoohigh.com. You can reach Dr. Topitzes at [email protected].


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