When does it stop being a party and start becoming a problem? Is there a way to steer clear of addiction?

Every Wednesday, Mike McGowan explores substance use disorders with expert guests.

Trying All of That (and then some) in a Small Town

July 10, 2024 26 minutes


Mike McGowan


Rachel Stankowski and Danielle Luther

Rachel Stankowski, PhD, is an Operations Project Manager, and Danielle Luther, MPH, is a Senior Project Manager


Substance use and misuse and mental health issues within a rural community can present many problems. From lack of available services and resources to economics and privacy issues, working in small towns and rural areas presents many challenges. Rachel Stankowski and Danielle Luther discuss those challenges and what the Family Health Center of Marshfield, Wisconsin, is doing about them. Rachel Stankowski, PhD, is an Operations Project Manager, and Danielle Luther, MPH, is a Senior Project Manager. Both work at Family Health Center of Marshfield, Wisconsin. The Family Health Center and its services can be reached at Family Health Center of Marshfield. The HOPE Consortium, its upcoming conference, and the webinar series can be accessed at HOPE Consortium – Supporting Treatment and Recovery in the Northwoods


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