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American Madness: The Broken Mental Health System

June 19, 2024 28 minutes


Mike McGowan


Dr. Alice Feller

Board-certified Clinical Psychiatrist, Mental Health Advocate, and Author


Dr. Alice Feller grew up in a family affected by mental illness and then made it her life’s work. She discusses her work within the mental health system and her thoughts on the state of care available to those who need it. Her book, American Madness: Fighting for Patients In a Broken Mental Health System, is an honest examination of a system in need of overhaul. Dr. Alice Feller is a board-certified clinical psychiatrist, mental health advocate, and author. She has worked in private practice, hospital emergency rooms, psychiatric wards, chemical dependency programs, and public clinics in East Oakland, California, and beyond. Dr. Feller’s contact information can be found at Alice Feller, M.D. | Author of American Madness.


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