When does it stop being a party and start becoming a problem? Is there a way to steer clear of addiction?

Every Wednesday, Mike McGowan explores substance use disorders with expert guests.


Getting Me Back

September 22, 2021 25 minutes

Hope Wesley-Early discusses helping clients deal with past shame and life problems. Moving beyond “who I was” to “who I can be” takes time, commitment, and trust. Hope runs the Moral Reconation Therapy Program for the Hope Council on Alcohol & Other Drug Abuse in Kenosha, Wisconsin. If you need help with substance use, help is available. To contact the Hope Council, call 262-658-8166 or explore their website at https://www.hopecouncil.org.

Year One In the Books

September 15, 2021 28 minutes

A returning panel of college women discuss their first year of college and the role alcohol and other substance use had on their experiences. Substance use rose significantly during the pandemic as coping strategies for anxiety and stress were taxed. Grace, Maya, Aiden, Haley, Jackie, and Viv share their observations on college, substance use, and mental health. Every college has a student health center and access to counseling. If you are struggling with substance use or have mental health concerns, please seek assistance.

Help Me See the World As You See It

September 8, 2021 29 minutes

Dana Ballewske, PsyD, talks about how to help young people navigate their worlds during unpredictable times. Young people are not immune to the rise in substance use disorders, depression, and mental health concerns in our society. How parents, mentors, school staff, and counselors respond makes all the difference. Dr Ballewske is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist and Coordinator of School-Based Services for Professional Services Group. Dana also currently heads the school-based mental health clinic program for Kenosha Unified School District. She can be reached at https://www.psgcip.com

Game Changer

September 1, 2021 21 minutes

Dana Emold discusses developing a healthy lifestyle in recovery as a way to cope with stress and anxiety and as a way to develop a healthy, non-using social network. Recovery means finding a lifestyle where addiction doesn’t fit. Dana is a Clinical Therapist and a Certified Substance Abuse Counselor with Cedar Lake Counseling. Dana can be reached at [email protected] or 262-244-6177 ext.108.

Every Life Can Be Saved

August 25, 2021 22 minutes

Michael Graveley talks about the legal and life risks of opioid and other drug use. Mr. Graveley has seen first hand what works and doesn’t work to keep someone drug free and well out of harm’s way. Mr. Graveley is the elected District Attorney for Kenosha County. He is an advocate for treatment and diversion programs for first-time drug offenders. If you or a loved one needs help with substance use disorders, help is available. There are many places to start, including your own doctor. You can also find AA meetings here: https://mtg.area75.org/meetings.html?dist=7 and NA meetings here: https://namilwaukee.org/meetings/

The Long Run

August 18, 2021 31 minutes

Ryan Clevenger shares his journey from addiction to sobriety, a journey that took him from a prison in Texas to a long-term recovery house in Wisconsin. Ryan is an Outreach Worker for Oxford Houses, Inc.. Oxford Houses are long-term, self-managing, and self-supporting recovery houses. For further information about Oxford Houses for sober living go to: https://www.oxfordhouse.org. Ryan can be reached for assistance at [email protected]

I Couldn’t Be Happier

August 11, 2021 23 minutes

Heroin, jail, sobriety, relapse, repeat. That is a cycle many families experience with opiate addiction. Lee is a mom whose daughter was enmeshed in that cycle. Today, her daughter is in-long term recovery, and Lee shares her journey towards joy and contentment. For family members concerned about loved ones’ substance use, taking care of themselves is difficult but necessary. If you are concerned, Hope Council offers a Loved Ones Group (https://www.hopecouncil.org/programs-services/special-families-programming/loved-ones-group-craft/), and Al-Anon and Alateen meetings are free and available: https://al-anon.org/al-anon-meetings/find-an-al-anon-meeting/

A Different Place

August 4, 2021 21 minutes

After years of trying to control her addiction to opiates and the chaos drugs created, Katie decided that she wanted to live, and to live clean and sober. The cycle of arrests, prison, craving, and withdrawal left her with a choice to make. She chose life. She chose love. If you or a loved one needs help with substance use disorders, help is available. There are many places to start, including your own doctor. You can also find AA meetings here: https://mtg.area75.org/meetings.html?dist=7 and NA meetings here: https://namilwaukee.org/meetings/

Slaying the Dragon

July 28, 2021 32 minutes

Dr. David Galbis-Reig talks about the growing epidemic of opiate use and the infusion of fentanyl in street drugs. Fentanyl creates all sorts of challenges for treatment and medical professionals, from the medications used to withdraw from the drug to the increased possibility the person using will overdose and die. Dr. Galbis-Reig is the Medical Director of Addiction Services at Ascension Wisconsin All Saints and the President of the Wisconsin Society of Addiction Medicine. He is passionate about providing education and treatment resources to decrease prescription drug abuse and the burden of addiction to opioids in Kenosha and Racine Counties in Wisconsin. He can be reached at Ascension All Saints-Addiction Medicine, 1320 Wisconsin Ave, #300, Racine, WI 53403, (262) 687-2222

Just the Facts

July 21, 2021 29 minutes

Dr. Krista Lisdahl discusses the neurocognitive consequences of chronic cannabis and other drug use during adolescence and early adulthood. Her research examines the effects of marijuana, alcohol, nicotine, and ecstasy use on brain structure and function. Dr. Lisdahl is the Director of the University of Wisconsin — Milwaukee’s Brain Imaging and Neuropsychology (BraIN) Laboratory. Dr. Lisdahl and her teams research can be accessed at https://uwm.edu/psychology/people/lisdahl-krista-m/