When does it stop being a party and start becoming a problem? Is there a way to steer clear of addiction?

Every Wednesday, Mike McGowan explores substance use disorders with expert guests.

Four Ways to Die

December 14, 2022 36 minutes


Mike McGowan


Guida Brown

Community Relations Consultant with United States Drug Testing Laboratories


Alcohol is a toxin and, far and away, the most commonly abused substance. It can kill all by itself. It also doesn’t play well in the sandbox with other drugs. Guida Brown talks about the potentially fatal interactions when combining alcohol with other substances. Guida is a Community Relations Consultant with United States Drug Testing Laboratories. She also is an Adjunct Faculty member with Concordia University-Wisconsin and an accomplished writer. Guida can be reached at [email protected]; you can follow her blog here: https://4csofaddiction.com/. If you need help for your substance abuse issues, help is available. In Kenosha, contact the Hope Council on Alcohol & Other Drug Abuse; call 262-658-8166 or explore their website at https://www.hopecouncil.org. You can also find AA meetings here: https://mtg.area75.org/meetings.html?dist=7 and NA meetings here: https://sefa-na.org/meetings


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