When does it stop being a party and start becoming a problem? Is there a way to steer clear of addiction?

Every Wednesday, Mike McGowan explores substance use disorders with expert guests.

Is Weed Addictive?

October 18, 2023 33 minutes


Mike McGowan


Walter Hendrickson


Is weed addictive? That’s the question Walter Hendrickson asked himself as he began a thirty-day journey to stop smoking marijuana after nine years of daily use. Walter is chronicling his journey daily on his TikTok account and discusses with us what he has learned so far. Six days of not using at the time of this conversation, Walter’s goal is to make it to one month and see what happens from there. Walter’s TikTok can be followed here: https://www.tiktok.com/@walterooski?_t=8gI2xTdG4vz&_r=1


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