When does it stop being a party and start becoming a problem? Is there a way to steer clear of addiction?

Every Wednesday, Mike McGowan explores substance use disorders with expert guests.

Mental Health IS Health

November 23, 2022 25 minutes


Mike McGowan


Amy Herbst

Vice President of Mental and Behavioral Health at Children’s Wisconsin in Milwaukee, Wisconsin


We are witnessing a mental health crisis among our young people that we have never experienced before. Amy Herbst discusses the impact that social media, the pandemic, and developing life skills have played in the rise of young people’s depression, anxiety, and stress. Amy is the Vice President of Mental and Behavioral Health at Children’s Wisconsin in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. We all have a role in helping our young people navigate inevitable difficult times. Information about Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin’s Institute for Child and Family Well-Being can be reached at https://uwm.edu/icfw/, and the Craig Yabuki Mental Health Walk-In Clinic can be reached at (414) 337-3400 or online at https://childrenswi.org/location-directory/locations/urgent-care/craig-yabuki-mental-health-walk-in-clinic


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