Slaying the Dragon
Mike McGowan
David Galbis-Reig, MD
Medical Director of Addiction Services at Ascension Wisconsin All Saints and the President of the Wisconsin Society of Addiction Medicine
Dr. David Galbis-Reig talks about the growing epidemic of opiate use and the infusion of fentanyl in street drugs. Fentanyl creates all sorts of challenges for treatment and medical professionals, from the medications used to withdraw from the drug to the increased possibility the person using will overdose and die. Dr. Galbis-Reig is the Medical Director of Addiction Services at Ascension Wisconsin All Saints and the President of the Wisconsin Society of Addiction Medicine. He is passionate about providing education and treatment resources to decrease prescription drug abuse and the burden of addiction to opioids in Kenosha and Racine Counties in Wisconsin. He can be reached at Ascension All Saints-Addiction Medicine, 1320 Wisconsin Ave, #300, Racine, WI 53403, (262) 687-2222
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