When does it stop being a party and start becoming a problem? Is there a way to steer clear of addiction?

Every Wednesday, Mike McGowan explores substance use disorders with expert guests.

The Seeds of Wellness and Connections

November 8, 2023 24 minutes


Mike McGowan


Jeanne Williamson, David Israels-Swenson and Matt Johnson

University of Minnesota Morris


When young people leave home for college, they leave behind much that is familiar. Jeanne Williamson, David Israels-Swenson, and Matt Johnson talk about how the University of Minnesota Morris creates a community that sustains and supports students well-being and success. Jeanne Williamson is Associate Director for Student Counseling, Health, and Wellbeing; David Israels-Swenson is Senior Director for Student Activities, Health, and Wellness; and Matt Johnson is the athletic director, all at the University of Minnesota Morris. Jeanne, David, Matt, and the University of Minnesota Morris can be reached at https://morris.umn.edu.


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