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Under the Anger Blanket

January 18, 2023 22 minutes


Mike McGowan


Lynn McLaughlin and Karen Iverson Riggers

Consultants, co-owners, and members of Ebb & Flow Connections Cooperative in Northeast Wisconsin


Anger never knocks on the emotional door without company. According to numerous studies, including one from the Harvard Business Review, expressions of anger have risen dramatically across the culture, and, whether disagreements about politics, the pandemic, other social issues, or even work and personal relationships, anger seems to be the most prevalent emotion expressed. Lynn McLaughlin and Karen Iverson Riggers, consultants, co-owners, and members of Ebb & Flow Connections Cooperative in Northeast Wisconsin, talk about the rise in anger responses in our society and what lies underneath. They can be reached at https://www.ebbandflowcooperative.com. Help is available for mental health concerns. Nationally, you can start your search at https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/find-help.


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