When does it stop being a party and start becoming a problem? Is there a way to steer clear of addiction?

Every Wednesday, Mike McGowan explores substance use disorders with expert guests.

What the Hemp?

October 4, 2023 28 minutes


Mike McGowan


Annie von Neupert

Project Coordinator for REACH


As more and more states legalize marijuana and others have a variety of cannabinoid products available, it seems sensible to ask what they are, what they aren’t, and how they might affect young people. Annie von Neupert is Project Coordinator for REACH. REACH, a federal Drug Free Communities coalition, focuses on reducing misuse of alcohol, nicotine, and other substances by youth in Calumet County, Wisconsin. When a product is visible and accessible, young people tend to view it as safe to use. As always, it is important for families to have discussions with their children about all substance use. Annie and REACH can be contacted at https://www.cahlinc.org/about/reach


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