A Deeper Dive
Mike McGowan
More than one out of every three adults grew up in a house where someone had a substance use disorder. Stacy was among them. As a child she became a doer, a people pleaser, and a protecter for her siblings. As an adult, she developed her own substance use disorder. After five years of recovery, she was introduced to ACA (Adult Children of Alcoholics) issues. Another deeper door into recovery opened. Stacy shares her journey of discovery and ongoing work to connect with her feelings. If you grew up in a home with a person who abused substances you can learn more at https://adultchildren.org. If you are concerned about your use, you can call 262-564-6611. You can also find AA meetings here: https://mtg.area75.org/meetings.html?dist=7 and NA meetings here: https://namilwaukee.org/meetings/
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