When does it stop being a party and start becoming a problem? Is there a way to steer clear of addiction?

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EMDR, Getting at the Trauma

April 3, 2024 30 minutes


Mike McGowan


Dr. Wendy Freitag

Clinical Psychologist, EMDR Therapy clinician, trainer, and consultant as well as a Professional & Life Coach


Dr. Wendy Freitag discusses Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy. EMDR is a comprehensive psychotherapy that accelerates the treatment of many different pathologies and trauma related to disturbing events and present life conditions. Dr. Freitag is a Clinical Psychologist, EMDR Therapy clinician, trainer, and consultant as well as a Professional & Life Coach with over 30 years of experience. She is an EMDRIA Certified Therapist, Approved Consultant and Sr. Trainer for EMDR Institute of Dr. Francine Shapiro, and has been the President of the EMDR Research Foundation since 2006. Dr. Freitag can be reached at https://www.wendyfreitag.com/. To find an EMDR therapist in your area go to https:/www.emdria.org/


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