When does it stop being a party and start becoming a problem? Is there a way to steer clear of addiction?

Every Wednesday, Mike McGowan explores substance use disorders with expert guests.

Street Angels

February 15, 2023 20 minutes


Mike McGowan


Dan Grellinger

Substance abuse counselor and Outreach Coordinator for Street Angels


When people with mental health and substance use disorders lose their homes and find themselves unsheltered and on the street, recovery becomes difficult, if not impossible. Dan Grellinger talks about the work of Milwaukee, Wisconsin’s, Street Angels. Street Angels is a program whose small staff and volunteers travel throughout Milwaukee County providing hot meals, clothing, blankets, tents, NARCAN, caring conversations, and HOPE to those who are experiencing street homelessness. Dan is a substance abuse counselor and Outreach Coordinator for Street Angels. Find out more about Street Angels and how to help at https://www.streetangelsmke.org.


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