When does it stop being a party and start becoming a problem? Is there a way to steer clear of addiction?

Every Wednesday, Mike McGowan explores substance use disorders with expert guests.

The Sober-Minded Sisterhood

February 22, 2023 32 minutes


Mike McGowan


Jennifer Kautsch


Looking in the mirror takes courage and the willingness to see what’s there, not what we want to be there. Jenn Kautsch talks about that look in the mirror and how it led her to found Sober Sis, a like-minded community of women who are renegotiating their relationship with alcohol, without labels, shame, judgment, or rules. The Sober-Minded Sisterhood is about making a conscious choice to be the best version of yourself and to live in an intentional manner, creating the life you want. Jenn’s contact information and resources, including events, blogs, and the 21 Day Reset Challenge, can be found at https://www.sobersis.com/ss-home


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